Installation ============ Supported Installation Methods ------------------------------- MongoTor supports installation using standard Python "distutils" or "setuptools" methodologies. An overview of potential setups is as follows: Install via easy_install or pip ------------------------------- When ``easy_install`` or ``pip`` is available, the distribution can be downloaded from Pypi and installed in one step:: easy_install mongotor Or with pip:: pip install mongotor This command will download the latest version of MongoTor from the `Python Cheese Shop `_ and install it to your system. Installing using ---------------------------------- Otherwise, you can install from the distribution using the ```` script:: python install Checking the Installed MongoTor Version --------------------------------------------- The version of MongoTor installed can be checked from your Python prompt like this: .. sourcecode:: python >>> import mongotor >>> mongotor.version # doctest: +SKIP Requirements ------------ The following three python libraries are required. * `pymongo `_ version 1.9+ for bson library * `tornado `_ .. note:: The above requirements are automatically managed when installed using any of the supported installation methods